In the past, many people thought the earth was flat.
Then, one day, an eccentric proposed a crazy theory:
Earth is round like a balloon.
Believe it or not, but the history of biological life is not flat either;
it is amazingly ‘round’.
How to explain that to our conditioned brains.
The age of our planet, or the exact number of animal species
that have traveled its landscapes, is not very important.
What is essential, is that a long progression is taking place,
which will take the necessary time and detours.
Direct observation of wildlife, basic biology and basic physics,
shows that the long history of our planet,
is not about a creation neither an evolution,
but about the reconstruction of a planet from a distant past,
which was destroyed by a supernova...
The history of our planet has the same progression
of a layer of oil that has been shaken on the surface of water.
Space rock debris that have agglomerated together to form our planet Earth,
were not making the assemblage of a planet,
but the reassembly of an ancient planet that was destroyed...
Adaptation is real; it is the key to survival.
But, observations in nature show that adaptation is not the main factor
for big changes which have occurred in prehistoric animals.
Genetics shows that an animal cannot give birth to a different animal.
Multicellular organisms cannot change their genes naturally,
or produce new genes.
They even have a mechanism that protects them from changes;
all the information must be there from the very beginning.
Every living organism has one parent or two,
and both generations are completely identical.
An ant will only come from an ant.
A giraffe will only come from a giraffe.
A human will only come from a human.
But big changes are possible in nature, even on the same generation.
Striking example: the butterfly metamorphosis.
The butterfly is a very complex insect.
After an egg is laid, a caterpillar emerges from the egg.
Later, the caterpillar forms a chrysalis in which the caterpillar
dissolves into a soup of identical cells;
then, the soup-cells becomes a winged insect: a butterfly.
A crawling caterpillar and a flying butterfly,
are two creatures of completely different designs,
and the transformation can be done in a matter of days, not millions of years...
The development of biological life on our planet,
is not an evolution of life but a reconstruction of life genetically planned.
Example confirming genetic planning.
Many prehistoric identical creatures living for generations
in a shared environment, like some areas in the sea,
and who have developed themselves into creatures
extremely different from each others.
It is illogical that identical creatures adapt differently
in the same environment.
Another comparison: the genealogical ‘tree’.
Through generations, prehistoric identical creatures
have developed genetic branches of a varied fauna.
The complete progression looks a bit like plant seeds
developing branches with a varied foliage.
The identical creatures are compared to the plant seeds,
the varied fauna is compared to the varied foliage.
The evolution of life on our planet is not the shaping
of a new fauna never seen before,
but the re-shaping of a fauna identical to a parent-fauna,
which already existed on another planet in a far past.
The long history of biological life,
is a progression of life genetically planned,
and filled with adaptations.
About the Holy Scriptures.
Scriptures say that Earth is old.
There are ancient texts telling about the creation of the universe, and life.
Among these sacred texts, there is Genesis in the Bible.
Chapter 1 is followed by a brief conclusion,
which is in fact a recapitulation of the Six Days of Creation,
but not a presentation about what is to come in Eden.
Here, is this conclusion and its explanation (Genesis 2:4).
"This is the story (Six Days of Creation),
which comes from heaven and Earth (the first earth),
when they were created,
until God made the earth (second earth), and the sky (atmosphere).
A creation is an occurring coming from nothing.
A making is a construction from existing material.
Why a planet would have to be made after having been created?
This conclusion indicates that another Earth have already existed,
followed by its destruction, then, followed by its reassembly.
The Six Days of Creation in Chapter 1,
and the Creation of the Garden of Eden in Chapter 2,
are two different events, separated by a huge period of time...