Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The key to discovery
Chapter 2: A planet 'resurrected' from its ashes
Chapter 3: Patterns through the ages
Chapter 4: A process of return
Chapter 5: Conditions of the energies
Chapter 6: Proof through cell agglomeration
Chapter 7: Proof through cell division
Chapter 8: Proof by comparison
Chapter 9: Adaptation: a secondary driving force only
Chapter 10: The true purpose of biological life
Chapter 11: A look at Holy Scriptures
Chapter 12: Basic trigger of natural disasters
Chapter 13: The threat that no none has seen coming
Chapter 14: 'Outlaws' of physics
Chapter 15: Evolutionary leaps and the origin of species
Chapter 16: God, or no God?
Chapter 17: Darwin, the Holy Scriptures, and alien life
Chapter 18: Sovereignty over animals
Chapter 19: The true cause of health depression
Chapter 20: In contact with animals
Upcoming book
Where and How Civilization Started
An event that led man intentionally to modern technology
with Preface
Table of Contents
Excerpt: Labor for Water
Upcoming book
The Magic Science
About the Author
What would be the greatest quest in the life of a person? Would not it be to get the knowledge of the meaning of life itself? Some people seek the answer through sciences by digging the past, by dissecting bodies or gazing at the stars. Other people hope to find the explanation through words of Holy Scriptures. Anyway, the best tool to find the answer is honesty: seeking for the truth no matter what will appear.
What would be the right recipe to unlock the mystery of life?
1) One needs a point of view free of prejudice and without exterior influences; put aside all that has been learned in the society and look at the world with fresh eyes. If we live on the tenth floor of an uneven building, all the efforts to build a leveled eleventh floor will be a failure. We must start all over from the ground, and not from the first floor.
About the Holy Scriptures: even if the ancient writings are genuine, one cannot expect to find the truth through words only. To be able to grasp the meaning of Sacred Texts requires already a pretty good knowledge about life itself. All Scriptures are in fact pointing back at nature and especially animals, as unveiling the truth about the mystery of life.
2) One needs common sense. We have to discern the ‘target itself’ from the ‘means to attain the target’ when seeking to reach a goal; staying focused on the target will prevent going astray and will permit to have a notion of what is sought. If we have a clue of what we are looking for, we might see it; no clue, it could slip through our attention unnoticed. Common sense can avoid getting tricked by inaccurate observations, misunderstandings, and even possible sidetracks from nature and certainly lures, which are present in Scriptures.
Same for archeology, biology and astrophysics; bone vertebrae, living cells or subatomic particles are like countless numbers of an over-sized 'Connect-the-dots' puzzle. Being too close to the puzzle will result in connecting the dots only, but by moving back from the puzzle, and so, having a broader view of the whole picture, we may decipher the patterns and see the drawing, even without connecting all the dots which would be totally impossible anyway. The nose in the dust, in a microscope or in a telescope, or even ‘twisting’ holy words, will not unlock the mystery of life; it could certainly help or confirm, but truth can only be perceived through direct observation of a natural ecosystem which cannot be deceived by intellectual ideas, intellectual beliefs, intellectual rules and intellectual restrictions. By their everlasting innocence, their matchless humility and their hard work aligning itself to the goal of biological life, wild animals are undoubtedly the key that leads to the true knowledge of the purpose of life.
Like endless ladders, astrophysics and biology are all studies of hyper complex mechanisms, and trying to understanding how a mechanism operates does not necessarily reveal its purpose. Studying in details the mechanism of a bike for example, will not reveal the purpose of the bike, but will keep focusing on its mechanism, then on the parts, then on its components, etc... The overall observation of the bike instead, can lead to the discovery of the usefulness of the bike and how to use it, even without looking at its whole mechanism.
3) One needs an insatiable craving for truth. A craving keeping you going despite the doors that are closing on your valuable projects for years and the frustration of elusive payments for your labor. A craving so strong that gives you enough willpower to overcome some nights at 50 below zero, where you cannot keep your cabin warm because of lack of dry wood, and not be able to stop the bleeding of your nose because you are so weak from hard work, hunger and sleep deprivation. A craving for truth that will not let you give up and slip from this world, because you know that a great number of creatures need your help to ease their suffering. Then you have a cause greater than your own life, giving you the strength to keep up, and which one day will offer you the opportunity to grab the discovery so desired. This quest has haunted my thoughts every single day for the last twenty-five years, and ever since I was a child.
Creationism and evolutionism are not a real issue after all, but simply coming from misinterpretations of the prehistoric record and Scriptures. In fact, these two sides have been arguing over two separate events which have been mistaken for a single one.
Creationists and evolutionists are spending their energy 'shooting' at each other or trying to debunk someone else’s theory like politicians in a campaign: "Vote for me because the other candidates are worse than me!” They should instead sit down and work together, because the cause is too important and urgent.
The discovery of the true story of biological life and its purpose permits to discover much more, because everything in our universe is linked together.
The content of this book will be certainly inconvenient and very embarrassing for number of people of all sides, but even if truth might scare, it is ignorance that should be feared, because ignorance could be fatal.
And so, the story begins…
Chapter 1
The key to discovery
What is the meaning of life? And why are we on Earth? These questions have haunted mankind for generations and are still unanswered. Life may bring some joy, but frustration, sadness, suffering, and finally death will all be part of the menu. Psychologists and preachers provide some help, but sometimes, in very hard times, we need a little more of an answer.
There are on this planet, other beings we call animals and whose lives are much tougher and more stressful that ours. Yet, those who live in the wild do not seem to be at a loss and they definitely know what they are doing. Why would penguins withstand the most extreme cold for months without food, to save their single egg? Is it just to give their chick the opportunity to go through the same fate and so on? Why not quit and be done with it? Are they seeing something at the end of the tunnel of biological life?
Animals seem indeed to be aware of something we cannot grasp (Photo 1). These humble creatures whom we believe to be inferior, could be concealing in their behavior the greatest of all secrets: the purpose of life.
Chapter 2
A planet ‘resurrected’ from its ashes
All life forms generally seek to stay healthy and to avoid death: destruction. The earth itself is the foundation for this natural desire, but after having formed a friendly environment to sustain a great biological diversity (Photo 2), our planet can suddenly turn these beautiful landscapes into deathly infernos through geological catastrophes and cataclysms. If there is any chance to understand life and the universe, it can only be done by discovering the true underlying story of our blue planet, and which should also unveil the meaning of life.
To this day, Earth has kept its secret, and the true story of its biological life is still elusive to us. The age of our planet or the number of species that roamed its landscapes, is not very important; what does really matter is that there is a long process going on, which will go through the necessary detours, and will simply take the time it needs. Biology and astrophysics are fields of endless intermediates that keep pushing the same questions further and further without giving firm answers. Viewed through the naked eye, nature is undoubtedly what will reveal one of the greatest mysteries of life: its meaning.
Direct observation of wildlife, basic biology, and basic physics show that the long story of our planet is not the story of a creation neither an evolution, but the recovery of a planet anterior and identical to ours, that has been certainly destroyed by a supernova. The willpower of biological life is such that right after its destruction, life began a slow re-assemblage that has been mistaken for the 'birth' of the solar system, the same for an evolution of life. We live today on a ‘resurrected planet’, in a ‘resurrected solar system’. The paleontological record, the present-day wildlife and even the ancient Scriptures, all confirm this theory.
Chapter 3
Patterns through the ages
What defines life? A strong will to exist. At any era or at any level, life struggles and fights to feed itself. Life can heal, adapts and reproduces itself. Life is everywhere on earth, and through its multiple capabilities, making possible to keep its existence going, it seems unlikely that the presence of biological life on earth was an accidental happening.
The Topics
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Key to Discovery
Chapter 2: A 'Resurrected' Planet
Chapter 3: A Sign through the Ages
Chapter 4: A Process of Resurgence
Chapter 5: Phases of the Energy
Chapter 6: Evidence Through Agglomeration
Chapter 7: Comparisons
Chapter 8: Adaptation: Secondary Driving Force
Chapter 9: Genetic Planning: Principal Driving Force
Chapter 10: A Planned Evolution
Chapter 11: The Purpose of Life
Chapter 12: About the Holy Scriptures
About the Author